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Interesting Stuff I Found

Zoom meeting invite from the Connecticut Audio Soc...

They have extended an invite to our members to join in on their next Zoom meeting tomorrow December 10th at 1:00 pm.

The subject is:

"Meeting and Bryan DeBlois' discussion on Record Cleaning to commence 1pm.(Bryan and Asa will provide an overview of record cleaning citing some of the key issues and unresolved opportunities. They will showcase the BLACKAUDIO® Microbrush™ and some of the background research that was used to test the product. Manual record cleaning will be discussed including highly-effective, low-cost chemistries and other tips.

The presentation will utilize a short promotional video, slides and other support materials. A key technical paper on record-cleaning will be referenced to support precision cleaning.) Should take 1 1/2 hours, longer if more interest."

If the link doesn't work - Meeting ID: 817 2312 5512 Passcode: CAS

Hope to see you there,

Richard Atkinson

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